A New Visual Thinking Approach to Evaluation: Introducing EvaluVision
by Keisuke Taketani, Katherine Haugh, Yumiko Kanemitsu, WFP
(American Evaluation Association 365, April 2021)
By Yumiko Kanemitsu, WFP and Alok Mishra, DMEO, NITI Aayog
(EvalPartners, June 2021)
Picturing Evaluation: How visual thinking can improve facilitation and use
(gLOCAL 2021, June, 2021)View summary graphic | Watch video recording
(gLOCAL 2021, June, 2021)View summary graphic | Watch video recording
Going visual in a virtual world: how visualization is bringing greater engagement to evaluation discussions
(gLOCAL 2020, EvalForward, June, 2020)View summary graphic
(gLOCAL 2020, EvalForward, June, 2020)View summary graphic
Draw it! – how visual thinking helps evaluation improve engagement, use, and influence
(Asian Evaluation Week, September 2020)View summary graphic | Watch video recording
(Asian Evaluation Week, September 2020)View summary graphic | Watch video recording