
How can Governments benefit from visual thinking in communicating evaluation findings? Takeaways from India

By Yumiko Kanemitsu, WFP and Alok Mishra, DMEO, NITI Aayog

(EvalPartners, June 2021)


Picturing Evaluation: How visual thinking can improve facilitation and use
(gLOCAL 2021, June, 2021)
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Engage to Communicate: Stakeholder Analysis for Communicating Evaluations
(Asian Evaluation Week, September 2021)View summary graphic
Going visual in a virtual world: how visualization is bringing greater engagement to evaluation discussions
(gLOCAL 2020, EvalForward, June, 2020)
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Draw it! – how visual thinking helps evaluation improve engagement, use, and influence

(Asian Evaluation Week, September 2020)
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